
Food Sensitivities - Food Is Not The Root Cause Of The Problem

I am honored to have been a guest to talk about food sensitivities on Facebook Live with NourishDoc!

We covered a lot of ground, including:

What are food sensitivity, Food Allergy, and Food intolerance?

Food sensitivity is an IgG immune response, and it can cause gut symptoms (nausea, bloating, gas, belching, stomach pain, cramps), headaches, skin rashes and flares, brain fog, irritability, fatigue, nervousness, trouble sleeping, joint aches and pains (and more), and points to gut dysfunction and leaky gut. Reactions are not life-threatening and tend to be delayed. They can be delayed by 2-3 days! Food sensitivities often are dose-related; people with food sensitivities may not have symptoms unless they eat a large portion of the food or eat the food frequently. 

Food allergy is an IgE immune response, and it can cause hives, rash, itching, rashes and flares, gut symptoms (nausea, cramping, stomach pain, vomiting), trouble breathing, swelling of the airways to the lungs, and anaphylaxis (a serious and potentially fatal allergic reaction), and can be life-threatening. Reactions are typically immediate or within an hour.  Food allergies can be triggered by even a small amount of food and occur every time the food is consumed. People with food allergies are generally advised to avoid the offending foods completely, depending on the severity of the allergy.

Food intolerance is a digestive system response rather than an immune system response. Food intolerance can cause symptoms like an IgG reaction and also isn’t life-threatening. It results from an inability of your body to appropriately metabolize (break down) a food or foods, and it won’t show up on IgE or IgG testing. A common example is lactose intolerance which occurs when your small intestine doesn't produce enough of an enzyme (lactase) to digest milk sugar (lactose). Food intolerances often are dose-related; people with food intolerance may not have symptoms unless they eat a large portion of the food or eat the food frequently. 

What are the causes of food sensitivities?

If there are food sensitivities, there is increased gut permeability. When there are gut problems (problems with digestion and absorption and/or gut dysbiosis, which means abnormal, imbalanced gut flora, and can involve viral/bacterial/fungal/parasitic overgrowth, for example), and keep in mind there might not even be any gut symptoms, inflammation can develop in there leading to hyperpermeability of the gut lining. This allows toxins to escape from the gastrointestinal tract and enter the bloodstream (including endotoxins from gut bugs, and food proteins), leading to an environment of systemic inflammation. Once these toxins and food proteins are in the bloodstream they can trigger the immune system, and all sorts of health problems, including skin conditions, food allergies, and food sensitivities.  

And because it’s not just food proteins in the bloodstream, it’s also endotoxins, we may be erroneously blaming food! A study in a 2019 paper in Nature, by Reddel and colleagues, found that higher levels of certain gut bugs lead to the ongoing production of endotoxins called lipopolysaccharides (LPS). LPS trigger those inflammatory responses and increase gut permeability, underlying problems with eczema.

Something else to keep in mind is that our bodies run off of nutrients from the foods we eat. We need nutrients in order to build and repair healthy skin, as well as to grow, develop, repair, function, and thrive. When nutrients are missing the body doesn't have the fuel it needs to do everything that it needs to do, including building and repairing healthy skin. It's counterintuitive what we're led to believe. We are led to believe that if we take more and more foods out of our diet that we will get a resolution of symptoms and health problems, and this is simply not the case. 

Many clients I see, by the time I see them, have been on limited diets for extended periods of time, and their symptoms have gotten worse. This is not a coincidence. What happens is someone takes foods out of the diet and has improvements for a time. But the underlying issue which is gut hyperpermeability is still present. Over time more food sensitivities are going to develop, and the diet will get smaller and smaller. That's because food is not the root cause of the problem. 

How are food sensitivities Identified?

There is a wide range of IgG tests available. An elimination diet is also often used to identify food sensitivities.

A true elimination diet is undertaken for somewhere between 21 to 30 days in order to identify foods that trigger symptoms.  After that amount of time, the idea is to reintroduce foods one at a time and in a controlled manner to determine if they are symptom triggers. Because reactions can be delayed it can be tricky to identify offending foods. Keeping a food diary can help. Record what you eat and when you get symptoms, and then look for common factors.

A short-term elimination diet carried out appropriately can be helpful to identify trigger foods. You can remove triggering foods from the diet while working to address the underlying cause of the problem. I do not advocate for long-term restrictive diets of any kind. They can be devastating in children who are growing and developing. Of course, processed foods, added sugars, IgE foods are exceptions. If whole, real foods are triggering symptoms, it's important to explore why. Again food isn't the root cause of the problem, and removing food after food from the diet is not the answer! 

When it comes to food sensitivity testing, I do not typically recommend it. If someone is sensitive to many different foods taking more and more of them out of the diet is not the solution to the problem, and too often I see a fear of food developing in people of all ages, including very young children. We need to set our children up from the beginning for a healthy relationship with food. We've got to look deeper, at the gut. I recommend that deeper look at gut health as the place to focus resources, rather than on food sensitivity testing.  Also, I find that food sensitivity testing often picks up foods people never eat!

How are food allergies Identified?

Allergic reactions can be IgE, non-IgE (like IgG sensitivity), or both. 

There’s also a difference between sensitization and actual allergy. Sensitization is when someone makes IgE antibodies against an allergen. This can be tested for by skin prick, or specific IgE in the blood. BUT the person may not actually have a clinical allergy, which is when there are symptoms when exposed to the allergen. 

Skin prick testing is considered the gold standard for identifying allergens like pollen or spores. The gold standard for identifying food allergens is an oral food challenge, but doctors use skin prick and blood testing to identify food allergy too.

Blood testing for total IgE and absolute eosinophil count aren’t helpful for identifying allergies because they can be high with other health problems.

You can blood test for specific IgE allergens, BUT false positives are common because of cross-reactivity between them (proteins in different allergens resemble each other). 

For skin testing, the patch test is used for identifying delayed hypersensitivity reactions like contact dermatitis. The skin prick test is used when IgE reactions are suspected, like eczema, hives, food allergies, and anaphylaxis. 

What foods are good for someone with food sensitivities?

A diet of whole real foods is good for everyone! You can remove identified, only identified, trigger foods from the diet while you work to address the underlying cause of the problem. If you aren’t sure if a food is causing symptoms or not, don’t blame the food.

How do diet and nutrition help food sensitivities?

Diet diversity = microbiome diversity = gut health/gut integrity = less chance for food sensitivities!

Diet diversity means eating a variety of foods from all food groups and categories of foods. Vary protein sources (eggs, chicken, fish, beef, pork, etc.), vegetables (different colors and textures), and carbs (starchy vegetables and root vegetables, quinoa, rice, and other whole grains). A diverse diet feeds good gut bugs, and a diverse gut microbiome confers health benefits, including a healthy gut and gut integrity. This results in a lower risk for food sensitivities.

Relief From Reflux

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What is reflux:

Reflux is the backward flow of stomach acid and other contents from your gut into your esophagus (the tube that connects your throat and stomach), and it’s a sign of gut problems. It can cause chronic symptoms and damage to the delicate mucosal tissue of your esophagus.

Reflux symptoms are one of the most common complaints to primary care doctors in Western countries, and reflux is a risk factor for erosive esophagitis, and Barrett’s esophagus (which is associated with an increased risk for esophageal cancer).

Acid blocking and acid reducing medications:

Because reflux is so common, its treatment has been the target of aggressive pharmaceutical marketing to healthcare professionals and consumers. You’re likely familiar with acid blocking and acid reducing medications like Zantac, Prilosec, Tagamet, and Pepcid (PPIs and H2 blockers).

Medications that block and lower stomach acid are often considered a first line of defense against reflux symptoms. These medications however do not address the root cause of the reflux, leaving it unchecked and able to continue to cause damage.

Long term use of acid blocking and reducing medications, and low stomach acid levels impairs gut health and your ability to digest and absorb nutrients from foods you eat.

Use of these medications is associated with osteoporosis, depression, deficiencies of vitamin B12 and a variety of minerals, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), pneumonia, and an increased risk of a variety of gut pathogens.

Reflux is often due to low stomach acid rather than high, and the symptoms are similar. Lowering acid levels further with medications makes the problem worse, and increases your risk for additional health problems.

You need stomach acid:

Without adequate stomach acid you can’t digest and absorb nutrients from foods you eat. Amino acids from proteins, vitamin B12, iron and zinc are examples of important nutrients you can become deficient in with low stomach acid levels.

Amino acids are the building blocks for everything in your body, down to the intracellular level. Even your DNA.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can result in irreversible nerve damage.

You need adequate iron levels to help your blood cells carry oxygen to all the tissues in your body.

Zinc is necessary for wound healing, the production of hormones, and for a strong immune system.

Your body runs off of nutrients from foods you eat. They are your fuel. When they are missing, imbalances develop and symptoms and health problems follow. Gut problems and low stomach acid can cause nutrient insufficiency and deficiency, because if you can’t digest, and absorb nutrients from foods you eat, no nutrition plan will help meet your body’s need for fuel. The fact is, you aren’t what you eat, you are what your body can do with what you eat.

Respiratory reflux:

Respiratory reflux occurs when contents from your gut irritate respiratory structures and cause symptoms like chronic coughing, feeling like something is stuck in your throat, frequent throat clearing, a bitter taste in the back of your throat, and difficulty swallowing. You may have symptoms like these, and not make the connection to reflux and your gut health, because you aren’t experiencing typical reflux symptoms.

Respiratory reflux symptoms can be caused by refluxed acid, and also by nonacid contents like pepsin that come up with the acid. If you suffer from symptoms like these and find that acid reducing and acid blocking medications and the typical reflux treatments don't help much, it might be that the nonacid contents are causing the symptoms you’re experiencing.

Natural approach:

You can address reflux naturally with diet, lifestyle, and other nutritional interventions that identify root causes of the problem, and restore your gut health.


Diet changes can be helpful for managing symptoms. Common reflux trigger foods:

  • Caffeine

  • Alcohol

  • Chocolate

  • Garlic

  • Onions

  • Mint

  • Spicy foods

  • Fried foods

  • Fatty foods

  • Citrus

  • Tomato based products

  • Highly processed foods

  • Junk food

  • Carbonated beverages including fizzy water

A diet of whole, real foods, rich in plant foods and high in fiber often can resolve the problem. If you need guidance on what to eat, my nutrition recommendations can help.

Specific foods that may help with symptoms:

  • Bananas

  • Oatmeal

  • Leafy greens

  • Yogurt

  • Ginger

Food sensitivities:

Keep in mind that food sensitivities are not the root cause of your symptoms and health problems. They are a symptom of gut problems. Continuing to remove foods from your diet can lead to nutrient insufficiency and deficiency over time. Your body runs off of nutrients from foods you eat, and when they are missing because they are not being included in your diet, imbalances will develop and symptoms and health problems follow. Elimination diets, and ‘healthy’ diets that remove foods, food groups and categories of foods may be guilty of robbing your body of the fuel it needs to function.

Lifestyle interventions:

  • Maintain a healthy weight

  • Stop smoking

  • Don’t lie down after a meal, wait at least 3 hours

  • Eat slowly and chew thoroughly

  • Avoid tight fitting clothing, which may put pressure on your abdomen and LES (lower esophageal sphincter)

  • Elevate the head of your bed when sleeping by 6 to 9 inches, a mattress elevator can be helpful:

  • ‘Cooling’ may help, in particular a cooling pillow for sleeping:



Stress management is important when it comes to reflux and gut health. Stress can cause reflux, the severity of reflux correlates with the degree of stress, and stress causes changes in stomach acid secretion (can increase it or lower it, depending on the individual).

Stress can lead to leaky gut, and nutrient insufficiency and deficiency. Chronic physical, chemical, and emotional stress burns through nutrients and steals them from other needs your body has.

Other medications:

There are many medications that can worsen reflux symptoms by altering gut motility, contributing to dysbiosis (abnormal gut bacteria, overgrowths, undergrowths and infections in the gut), and reducing LES tone (the valve that stops gastric contents from coming back up into the esophagus becomes weak).

Medications that make reflux worse:

  • Antibiotics like tetracycline and clindamycin

  • Anticholinergics

  • Sedative/hypnotics (benzodiazepines)

  • Tricyclic antidepressants

  • Theophylline

  • Prostaglandins

  • Calcium channel blockers

  • Alpha adrenergic blockers

  • Beta adrenergic blockers

  • Nitrates

  • Progesterone

  • Steroids

  • Aspirin

  • NSAIDs

  • Sustained release potassium

  • Bisphosphonates

  • Iron and potassium supplements

If you are on medications that you suspect are worsening your symptoms, talk to your doctor.

Gut problems:

H. pylori (a normal bacterial inhabitant in your gut) has been identified as a cause of stomach ulcers, but also is linked to reflux. H. pylori can be benign, but it can overgrow and cause symptomatic infection. Infection with H. pylori can lead to chronic gastritis, which can progress to stomach cancer.

Dysbiosis can be caused by a variety of factors. Low stomach acid levels is a common one. It allows gut flora to become imbalanced, overgrown, and infected. This causes inflammation in your gut, which increases permeability of your gut lining leading to leaky gut. Leaky gut causes food sensitivities, digestive symptoms, skin rashes, chronic fatigue, autoimmune disease, and a variety of chronic symptoms and health problems. This scenario also can cause, and aggravate reflux.

Restore your gut health:

Restoring normal gut function is a cornerstone of overall health and wellness. Eighty percent of your immune system is located in your gut microbiome, so when your gut health is impaired it can negatively impact your entire body, and cause symptoms and health problems like those mentioned, including others that don’t seem to involve your gut at all.

If you struggle with reflux and haven’t been able to get relief, get professional guidance.