Eczema Smoothie

While you can’t out supplement a diet that’s lacking in the first place, the types of imbalances causing the problem unfortunately are not food fixable.

That makes supplements an important puzzle piece for your child’s journey to healthy skin.

Knowing what supplements your child needs is key!

That’s based on:

  • Your child’s unique health history

  • Their current health status

  • The right testing, and

  • Having the right practitioner (someone who knows how to do this for children, and specifically for children with eczema) create an appropriate, actionable, and effective protocol for you.

Once that’s all in place, a great strategy to get your child to take their supplements is by putting them in a smoothie!

Smoothies are also a great place to sneak in some veggies.

Think veggies before fruit in smoothies. You can add fruit, but when you pulverize it, you typically end up adding a lot more than a serving, and that sugar (even though natural) can start to add up. [Plus, your kiddo really does need to eat their veggies!]

This is the foundational smoothie recipe I share with my clients!

Add ingredients and blend well (blender, Vitamix, NutriBullet, etc.) - Avoid your known allergies/sensitivities! 

  1. Protein powder (Pure Paleo from Designs for Health - high quality, bovine-based and hydrolyzed) - 1/4 - 1/2 scoop for children 2 years and up

  2. Collagen Peptides (Whole Body Collagen from Designs for Health, or Vital Proteins) – 1/4 - 1/2 scoop for children 2 years and up

  3. Acacia fiber, flaxseeds, or chia seeds - 1/4 - 1/2 Tbsp for children 2 years and up

  4. Vegetables (kale and spinach, other greens, beets, carrots, etc.) - add liberally

  5. Fruit (berries are best and low sugar) - ¼ - ½ cup

  6. FAT → choose one of the following: 1/2 tbsp coconut oil, 1/2 tbsp ghee, ¼ cup raw nuts, ¼ avocado, 1/2 tbsp avocado oil or olive oil, 1/2 tbsp coconut cream

  7. Ice if desired

  8. Chilled water or non dairy milk (coconut, rice, hemp, almond, etc.)

  9. My personal customizations (antioxidant and anti-inflammatory)

    1. Cacao powder 1 tsp (if your child is old enough for chocolate)

    2. Cinnamon 1 tsp

    3. Turmeric powder 1 tsp

  10. Your child’s customized supplements

The ingredients

Protein - Source of amino acids, the building blocks for every structure in the body down to the cellular level, including skin cells. We don’t store it like fats and carbs, which means we need to eat enough daily to prevent tissues from breaking down. Kids are growing and developing, and when they are on a skin healing journey they have an even greater metabolic need for all nutrients, and protein is at the top of that list. Also, the amounts of protein (and other nutrients for that matter) that you find online represent the minimum amount needed to prevent deficiency. Not for optimal health, and certainly not for a healing journey.

Collagen - Another amino acid source, more specifically geared towards skin heatlh.

Fiber - Supports digestion, prevents constipation, and helps good gut microbes thrive.

Vegetables (And Fruit) - Fiber source, and loaded with antioxidant nutrients. Eczema is an inflammatory skin condition. Inflammation results from oxidative stress, and oxidative stress results from a lack of antioxidant nutrients to combat it.

Fat - All cell membranes, including skin cells are made from fats. Healthy dietary fats keep the skin supple, moist, and help prevent leaky skin.

Get My favorite Protein And Collagen

Create your free account in Fullscript for access to my online professional grade supplement dispensary!

Search in the catalog for PurePaleo Protein Powder - Designs for Health, and Whole Body Collagen - Designs for Health OR Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides.

Purchase products through our Fullscript virtual dispensary.