Has this thought ever crossed your mind?
If you're struggling with rashes, food allergies, food sensitivities, gut problems, or any other health problem that seems to be triggered when you eat, it may have.
This is the title of a research article I came across (reference below), and it stopped me in my tracks.
I've had this thought.
Not because I don't like food, or because I don't like to eat.
Because I've struggled with health issues that seem to be triggered when I eat.
No matter what I eat.
I spent years chasing my food triggers, struggling with fear of food, and disordered eating because of this.
You know what?
Food isn't the problem.
Internal imbalances are.
This isn't just my story, it's the story of so many of my clients.
If you're reading this, it might be yours too. And your child's.
I'm passionate about helping your child AVOID having this thought, and addressing the root cause of the problem NOW. Before they are even old enough to think it.
In case you missed that line above... FOOD ISN'T THE PROBLEM.
It might be a trigger, but there are internal imbalances causing your child's body to react to foods. That's why we need to ID and address those imbalances. Not just to help with the symptoms now, but to help your child grow up and have a healthy relationship with food in the future. 💕💕💕💕
Doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2021.105808