
Tips For Navigating The Supermarket

Photo credit: rawpixel

Photo credit: rawpixel

My number 1 nutrition tip is to eat quality, nutrient dense, whole, real foods.

If you’ve checked out my Nutrition Recommendations, you’ll understand why! If you haven’t, definitely check them out.

A diet of whole, real foods means eating foods that are in their real form.

To shop for whole, real foods, go around the perimeter of the store, and avoid isles where packaged products are found.⁠ ⁠

Start in the produce section and fill up your shopping cart with a variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables and select a variety of bright colors. Aim to try at least one new ‘fun’ fruit or vegetable per week.

Buy your meats at the butcher counter and buy organic/grass-fed/pastured/free-range products when possible. These types of animal products have a healthier fat and overall nutrient profile than their processed [grain fed] counterparts.

If dairy is included in your diet, purchase full fat dairy. Low-fat and nonfat versions have sugars and other substances added to them in order to improve the taste and texture of these processed foods, so avoid them.

When it comes to condiments, read the labels. For oils, look for organic, and first cold pressed products. Avoid condiments that contain added sugars and high fructose corn syrup, and even agave (many salad dressings are loaded with extra sugars like this).

Because you are buying whole, real foods, many of them will not come in labeled packages, and this is good!

When purchasing foods that have labels, if you can’t pronounce an ingredient, don’t buy it. Also, the fewer listed ingredients the better (5 or less is best). Remember that whole, real foods don’t have ingredients because they are ingredients!

Beware of packaged foods disguised as healthy. As an example, just because it says gluten free on the box, doesn’t mean it’s a health food!


Zeratsky K. Healthy Lifestyle. Nutrition and healthy eating. Mayo Clinic. April 11, 2015. Accessed July 11, 2017.